Finding Themselves: Farewell to a 90s Trend, Hello to Microaesthetics (September, 2024) (essay, internet, aesthetics, adolescence) (3k words, 13min read)
Digital Dreams, 1: The Ring (September, 2024) (fiction, digital, surrealism) (<1k words, 3min read)
Of Trolls and Nonsense (August, 2024) (essay, story, quirky, internet culture) (1k words, 5min read)
The Perfect Website (August, 2024) (essay, story, quirky, surreal, internet culture) (4k words, 18min read)
Seeing Beautiful Math: On Fractals, Art, Psychedelics, and Hallucinations (August, 2024) (research paper, fractals, psychology, science, math, art) (7.9k words, 31min read)
Spotlights on Murder: The Dark Celebrity of Serial Killing (August, 2024) (research paper, nonfiction, crime, violence) (2.2k words, 10 min read)
Surrealistic Bubble (August, 2024) (essay, nonfiction, AI, surrealism, serious) (1.9k words, 8 min read)
The Rogue Sands (August, 2024) (story, sci-fi, surreal, speculative fiction) (1.2k words, 5min read)
Portrait (2023) (poetry) (1min read)
The Bridgekeeper (2023) (nonfiction, narrative) (7min read)
Moonrise (2022) (nonfiction, poetry) (3min read)
Four Evil Pets (2012) (poetry) (2min read)